Broward News and Entertainment Today

Oakland Park man arrested for sexually assaulting dog

An Oakland Park man has been =
charged with cruelty to animals after Broward Sheriff’s Office =
detectives determined that he sexually assaulted his roommate’s =
small dog.

When 40-year-old Tomas Bautista’s =
roommate came home Thursday evening, he found Bautista drunk and told =
him to go to bed. Bautista told his roommate, Clemente Velasquez, that =
he was going outside instead. Velasquez’s dog, a Chihuahua mix =
named Mimi, followed Bautista outside. A little while later, Velasquez =
heard Mimi yelp, so he grabbed a flashlight and ran into the back yard. =
He saw his dog running from Bautista and found Bautista passed out with =
his pants down. Mimi was bleeding, so Velasquez notified authorities and =
took the dog to the Coral Springs Animal Hospital for =

Bautista later told detectives he used his =
finger to penetrate the dog. He was charged with cruelty to animals, a =
third-degree felony.


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Posted by Guest on Feb 18 2011. Filed under Latest news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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