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Broward Climate Change Action Plan passed unanimously by Broward County Commission

The Broward Climate Change Action Plan passed unanimously earlier today Tuesday, May 4, 2010 during the Broward County Commission meeting, Agenda Item # 32, A & B.

A. Motion to Approve Broward County Climate Change Action Plan, as recommended by the Broward County Climate Task Force at their meeting March 18, 2010, providing for coordinated climate change strategies in the areas of comprehensive planning, climate policy, climate change mitigation and adaptation planning.

B. Motion to Authorize County Administrator to implement the Broward County Climate Change Action Plan to the extent possible with current resources and to seek grants and partnerships to assist in further implementation. (Commissioner Jacobs)

Dr. Nancy Gassman presented the informational PowerPoint highlighting key elements of the plan. Several speakers also spoke on behalf on the plan lauding both the leadership of Commissioner Jacobs and the task force as well as the outstanding and dedicated efforts of staff and volunteers who went above and beyond to produce a solid framework from which to expand upon. The importance of the task force to address climate change was emphasized as well that the process needs to continue with a heightened sense of priority encouraging continued regional cooperation and coordination citing the COMPAQ, an agreement between Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties to address climate change.

Discussion by the County Commissioners acknowledged the achievement of Commissioner Jacobs and all those involved in producing the Broward County Climate Change Action Plan. While Commissioner Jacobs received many congratulations, Commissioner Lois Wexler asked for clarification regarding the  funding as well the financial mechanisms that would be needed to take the recommendations to the next step to implementation.

It was emphasized by Commissioner Jacobs that the task force has already received several grants; one of them to retrofit county buses into hybrid vehicles. There will be a continued focused effort to seek and apply for additional grants. There was also discussion of the PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) program that was recently passed in the Florida House. This is a voluntary program that allows for residential, commercial and industrial financing to perform energy efficient upgrades with the funding provided by property assessments that remains with the property not the homeowner should ownership change.

Commissioner Jacobs also stated that of the 126 recommendations included in the plan, 65 have already been started to some degree noting that there is not a fiscal impact at present. Once the commissioners understood that the funding for the recommendations in the plan are to be as sustainable as the recommendations, the motion passed unanimously.

This Thursday, May 6, 2010 from 8 to 10 am, the Smart Growth Partnership will present “Climate Change – How will We Sustain?” The presentation is  at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott North and includes County Commissioner Kristin Jacobs as a featured speaker. To learn more and reserve a seat – or call

As a side note, Broward County Mayor Keechl, mentioned that while Broward County was not currently in any imminent danger from the oil spill he has requested that his staff follow the situation updating the County Commission within the next five days.

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The FBI has established a fraud tip hotline. Tips should be reported to the National Center for Disaster Fraud at 866.720.5721 or

As an architectural consultant, LEED AP, LEED certification reviewer, real estate broker and AIA associate, Valerie J. Amor is dynamically engaged in sustainability and issues regarding the built environment. Actively participating in several local, county and national organizations and committees focused on sustainability issues, she is also owner/principal of Drawing Conclusions and founder/president of Green Collar Connection, companies engaged in sustainable design, real estate development, green job training and research. Knowledgeable and well connected she brings you timely and thoughtful articles. Reach her at .

About Valerie J. Amor:
As an architectural consultant, LEED AP, LEED certification reviewer, real estate broker and AIA associate, Valerie J. Amor is dynamically engaged in sustainability and issues regarding the built environment. Actively participating in several local, county and national organizations and committees focused on sustainability issues, she is also owner/principal of Drawing Conclusions and founder/president of Green Collar Connection, companies engaged in sustainable design, real estate development, green job training and research. Knowledgeable and well connected she brings you timely and thoughtful articles. Reach her at .

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Posted by Valerie J. Amor on May 4 2010. Filed under Broward County, Emerging Green, Environmental, Fort Lauderdale, Local news. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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